Appendix 3


Draft: suggested informal HWB Strategy sessions timetable


Suggested date (3-4 weeks prior to the HWB meeting)

Informal HWB strategy session

·      Face-to-face session, no longer than 3 hours

·      Rotating venues on the east and west of the county to enable all HWB members to attend

Statutory deadline for publication of HWB papers

HWB formal meeting date


Suggested partnership leadership group (examples)


8 July 2024

Tuesday 16 July 2024

·      Present the suggested approach for agreement

·      Endorse Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) refresh Year 2 (2024/25)


Thursday 5 September 2024

Scene-setting session

·      Priority JSNA themes

·      Shared delivery plan priorities: prevention, early intervention and proactive care

·      Integrated Community Teams: the opportunity

·      East Sussex HWB Shared Outcomes Framework measuring impacts

18 September 2024

Thursday 26 September 2024


·      Forward plan agenda

·      Review of workshop outcomes



·      East Sussex Health and Care Partnership Board

·      East Sussex Community Oversight Board

Thursday 14 November 2024

Improving Healthy Life Expectancy Extending years in good health by enabling healthy behaviours and reducing risk and impact of chronic disease and ill-health.

2 December 2024

Tuesday 10 December 2024


·      Forward plan agenda

·      Review of workshop outcomes


·      East Sussex Health Outcomes Improvement Oversight Board

·      East Sussex Healthy Weight partnership

·      East Sussex Tobacco Control Partnership

·      East Sussex Reducing Alcohol Dependency Partnership

Thursday 6 February 2025

Building blocks of good health – Decent Home, Education and Employment alongside Good Social Connections and Community.

24 February 2025

Tuesday 4 March 2025


·      Forward plan agenda

·      Review of workshop outcomes


·      Team East Sussex

·      Skills East Sussex

·      East Sussex Housing Partnership Board

·      East Sussex Loneliness and Social Isolation Stewardship Group

·      Local Strategic Partnerships and Town Boards?

Annual Shared Delivery Plan Refresh (Year 3: 2025/26)

Thursday 19 June 2025

Importance of the Life course approach – Good Start in Life, Living Well, Ageing Well, A Good End in Life

7 July 2025

Tuesday 15 July 2025


·      Forward plan agenda

·      Review of workshop outcomes

·      Endorse SDP Year 3 refresh (2025/26)

·      Early Intervention Partnership Board

·      Children and Young People’s Oversight Board

·      Mental Health Oversight Board

·      Health Outcomes Improvement Oversight Board

·      Community Oversight Board

East Sussex HWB Shared Outcomes Framework: annual review

Thursday 4  September 2025

·      Reducing Health Inequalities – Underpinning everything we do. Gaps are always changing and not always in the direction we want them to

·      Annual review: East Sussex HWB Shared Outcomes Framework measures

15 September 2025

Tuesday 23 September 2025


·      Forward plan agenda

·      Review of workshop outcomes


·       East Sussex Health Outcomes Improvement Oversight Board


Thursday 13 November 2025

Mental Health and Wellbeing - focusing on prevention and early support.

1 December 2025

Tuesday 9 December 2025


·      Forward plan agenda

·      Review of workshop outcomes


·      Mental Health Oversight Board

·      Health Outcomes Improvement Oversight Board

Thursday 12 February

HWB strategy refresh approach - reviewing outputs and progress from the previous five sessions, and agreeing the broad structure to refresh the Strategy

2 March 2026

Tuesday 10 March 2026


·      Forward plan agenda

·      Review of workshop outcomes

·      East Sussex Health and Care Partnership Board

Annual Shared Delivery Plan Refresh (Year 4: 2026/27)




Further meeting dates to be confirmed